Today I went to Time Square with 2 of my old buddies..
They are :
* Seow
* Jack
* Me
Haha.. I never taught that Seow would join us..
Cause he always seems busy to me..
I still remembered there is 1 time I find him in Msn..
Just feel like finding someone to chat cause Im bored~
So.. I actually find him..
Guess what..
When I say hi to him..
He replied.. Straight to the point..
That's all.. I was like == zzzzzzz
Fine lo.. I go do other thing.. Hahaha
So in the end..
Jack come fetch me from my home..
Then go Seow's house to fetch him..
And we reached Time Square at 12.30pm
And then we bought a ticket for our movie..
" The Princess and the Frog " Hahaha
The movie is at 2.10pm..
Nothing to do while waiting for time to pass..
So we headed to find a Hot girl which is our friend..
And also a girl who argued with me in MSN.. ==
Anyway.. When we entered the cinema..
The movie starts..
Here is Seow's Comment.. Haha
After the movie is ended..
We headed back to home~
That's all for today~
Peace! ^^
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