Tuesday, August 18, 2009

>>> Posted for 16/08/09 <<<

Today I watched the alien in the attic.. At Galaxy Ampang!!
Guess who m i watching with? 
Surprisingly is Jack Chai!! Lolz
So call my twin brother.. Haha
Tell u what? 
It's quite a nice movie to watch.. 
I was laughing all over once the movie starts.. Haha


Here are some pictures I took on that day..
Quite funny ahh? xD Hahaha
Omg!! Im bigger than the spacecraft.. Lolz 
Looking Good? Haha

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Another Valentine day!! ^^ Haha

 >>> Posted for 08/08/09 <<<

Lazy to type le..
Just very happy today ^^ Haha..
Let the pic do the talking.. 

Lolz.. Lovely? ^^ Haha
My Little Angel.. Love her very much ^^ Hehe
Err.. LOlz
IchiBAN Boshi!!! Lolz
Sushi & Sashimi.. LOlz
Waiting for ppl.. Lolz
Prefects' Annual Dinner!! ^^ Haha ( At nite )
At Mid Valley.. Boulevard Hotel .. Haha

Reunion? Lolz

 >>> Posted for 07/08/09 <<< 

Unpredictably today when I go for recess..
I met my beloved 5M classmates..
They are : * Yip Lam
                   * Ir Vin
Lolz.. I miss them so much..
Obviously I did hug Yip Lam like hell.. Hahaha..

oOo ya.. Today is the Only day with..
12:34:56 .. 07/08/09 .. Get it? 
Hahaha.. It is so unpredictable that I am shaking my hand with my beloved classmate for 2 years plus.. That is Dhilip Khumar.. ~ ^^ Haha..
Anyway.. Today right after skul..
I straight 100 meters fly to Time Square to meet my Loved One.. Hehe
Then I go bowling with my dear and her friends..
After finish our bowling session..
Then it is so unpredictable again.. 
I met with my beloved 5M classmates in Time Square bowling centre..
They are : * Kkloo
                   * Toh Seng
                   * Jack Jack .. Lolz
Wow.. I was so surprised.. Haha
Then after my happy hours with my Lurb Lurb.. 
Then kkloo sent her back to Pudu.. 
After that.. Then of cz v r going for our own happy hours la.. Lolz
We went to Pizza Maluri to have our Yum cha session.. 
After Yum cha session.. Then v have to go home d.. Due to time problem.. 
So here are some Nice photos ^^ Hehe

That's Me!! ^^ Haha
Jack Jack~~ Lolz
The Sunlight outside too strong la.. Lolz
Kkloo ~~ ^^ Haha
Toh seng!! Haha
Our bill.. LOlz

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Papa John's~~ Lolz

Lolz.. Today is the 1st time I went to Papa John's in Time Square..
Out so many darn times I had been to Time Square but this is the 1st time I try sumthing new.. 
Lolz.. Quite funny actually.. Haha..
N I feel very happy Cz the 1st time I been to this place.. 
Is wif my Beloved Partner of my life.. ^^ Haha..
Here are sum Nice pic.. 

My Little Angel ^^ Haha

Tats all ^^ Haha
Byez.. Lolz